Coordinate Systems
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Last updated
Written by Andrew Taylor
Image Spaces (associated with distinct coordinate system)
Native space – coordinates unique to subject’s head placement in MRI scanner
Standard space – standard defined world coordinates across all images in this space define anatomy location (images in this space can have differ resolutions)
Coordinate Systems
Voxel coordinates
no units; integers
voxel count in each dimension reflecting matrix size
Origin: corner of image (e.g., 0,0,0 or 1,1,1)
Origin and axes naming conventions differ in programs
World coordinates
Have units in mm; floating values
Denote anatomy
Handedness system
Right-handed (RAS) system
x+ Left-Right
y+ Posterior-Anterior
z+ Inferior-Superior
Default for: MNI152 space, NifTi
LPS system
Default for: Dicom
Origin: can differ in programs, standard space (e.g., MNI152 space origin at anterior commissure)
qform and sform Matrices
PURPOSE: Used to convert voxel coordinates into world coordinates
o qform & sform stored in the Nifti File
o Historically, both matrices in a file to keep track of scanner coordinate system (qform) and standard space coordinates (sform); in practice not used; one matrix usually set to 0)
o Meaningful only if have a NON-ZERO code (0=unknown)