Last updated
Last updated
NOTE: NOMIS requires Freesurfer 6.0 outputs. For more detail see Freesurfer.
To derive norm scores from Freesurfer 5.3, see the document below.
Download NOMIS from the github link above
create a conda environment:
install dependencies
Create a setup file. This is a .csv file with five columns: id, age, sex, manufacturer, and mfs.
id: subject ID as it appears on in Freesurfer outputs
age: can be a whole number or a decimal
sex: M or F, uncertain of how this should be marked for people who identify as a gender they were not assigned at birth
manufacturer: manufacturer of the MRI machine (for our purposes, usually Seimens)
mfs: manufacturer field strength (for our purposes, usually 3)
See example below:
Run NOMIS using the following command structure: