Burning Scans to a Disc
Last updated
Last updated
Note: all processing times are estimated using locally stored files; files stored on an external server may extend estimated times
The CD burner
A blank CD
A CD sleeve
A scrap file folder
A neurology address label
The return address label for the study in question
A brown padded SealedAir envelope
A copy of the image disclaimer and user instructions (found on last page of this SOP)
The address of the individual to whom the disc is being mailed
Horos dicom viewer
Put a blank disc in the CD burner
Open Horos
Load in the images you want to burn in dicom form
Make sure you have clicked on the entire subject folder in Horos and then click the ‘Burn’ button
An options box will pop up
Here are the parameters and options that should be set:
When parameters are set, click the Burn symbol
After about 1-2 minutes (depending on computer speed and amount of dicoms), a secondary option box will pop up
If the box is not immediately visible, click the Horos thumbnail on your taskbar and the secondary box should show up
Click ‘Burn’ on the secondary box
A status bar should appear
This process will take 3-10 minutes depending on computer speed and amount of dicoms
While the CD is burning:
Cut out a piece of the scrap folder that is big enough to wrap around the CD sleeve
This is intended to provide an extra layer of protection and support for the CD
Print out a copy of the image disclaimer (scroll down to the image disclaimer on the last page of this document, change the red ‘[your study]’ text to be the name of your study, print this SOP, and select ‘Current Page’)
When burn is complete, be sure to label the CD, the sleeve, and the protective folder covering with the subject ID
Tape the protective covering closed on all sides
Place CD package in brown envelope and seal package
Place return address label on the top left corner on the front of the envelope
Place the Neurology address label on the center back of the envelope
Place envelope in the Outbound MUSC Business mailbox outside of the building